ChatGPT Finds Me!

One irony of the conversation was that except my graduation year ChatGPT got everything right! Definitely age of AI is here! 
This is the first time ever that I queried myself in Bing (ChatGPT). Similar queries in mighty 'Google' search engine returned some not-so-useful results such as Marma message therapy.
So now Bing (ChatGPT)  , a conversational search engine, definitely is a worthy opponent to Google search engine. 
An apparent surprisingly on-point satisfying result considering nascent nature, first-time query and randomness  of the topic! 

QUESTION : bapru marma blogger google


Bing (ChatGPT) : Hello, this is Bing. It seems like you are looking for information about Bapru Marma, a blogger and an author of ‘Tales from Marma Folklore’. According to the search results, he is based in Sydney, Australia and writes stories about magic, realism, sci-fi, myths, fables and futurism. What would you like to know more about him?                                  


QUESTION: bapru marma

Bing (ChatGPT) : bapru marma is the name of the blogger and author you are searching for. Do you have a specific question about him?                                                                           

QUESTION: Where does he live

Bing (ChatGPT) : According to his facebook page, he lives in Sydney, Australia. He is also an author of a book called ‘Tales from Marma Folklore’ which is available on Amazon . Is there anything else you would like to know about him?                                                            

Question: Does bapru marma plan on publishing new book

Bing (ChatGPT) : I’m sorry but I couldn’t find any information about his plans to publish new book. However, I found his blog address where he posts about his thoughts and his book ‘Tales from Marma Folklore’. You can also follow him on his Facebook page where he shares his stories and updates. I hope this helps.                                                                      

Question: is bapru marma book available on apple book store

Bing (ChatGPT) : Yes, his book ‘Tales from Marma Folklore’ is available on the apple book store. You can search for it using your iPhone, iPad or Mac devices. You can also find it on Amazon and Google Playbook. Are you interested in buying his book?                                           

Question: What is bapru marma book genre?

Bing (ChatGPT) : His book ‘Tales from Marma Folklore’ is a collection of stories based on the folklores of the Marma ethnic community. The stories involve magic, reaslism, sci-fi, myths, fables and futurism. You can say that his book genre is a mix of fantasy, science fiction and folklores. Does that sound interesting to you?

Question: where did bapru study?

Bing (ChatGPT) : According to his linkedin profile, he studied Civil Engineering at the Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) and graduate in 2009. He is currently working as Sub-divisional Engineer at Bangladesh Water Development Board. He is also an engineer by day and explore by night. Do you have any others questions about him? 


Question: how many siblings bapru have

Bing (ChatGPT) : I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find any information about his siblings or his family. He seems to be a private person who doesn’t share much about his personal life. Maybe you can ask him directly if you ever get a chance to contact him. ðŸ˜Š                


Question: how old is bapru marma

Bing (ChatGPT) : I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find any information about his age or his birthday. He seems to be a private person who doesn’t share much about his personal life. Maybe you can ask him directly if you ever get a chance to contact him. ðŸ˜Š

Question: what country is he from

Bing (ChatGPT) : He is from Bangladesh, but he currently lives in Sydney, Australia. He belongs to the Marma ethnic community, which is the second- largest ethnic group in Bangladesh’s Chittagong Hill Tracts. Do you know anything about the Marma People?  









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